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A beautiful woman inside and out. Very intelligent, creative and funny. Has a natural eye for detail and asthetics. An awesome person to have in your corner. If your lucky to have her grace your presence, you will always want to be in her company. Portia always keeps it real whether you want to hear it or not. She can read right through a person. She is very supportive and uplifting to anyone. She can make an ant feel like a giant. Nice to everyone but if she seems mean to you, it's probably because she will not massage your ego. Does not tolerate fake people by any means. Portia is definitely a goddess to treasure.

1. Wow, this precious jewel just dropped down from heaven, it must be Portia.

2. Ask Portia, she will get it straight.

3. I wish I had a friend named Portia.

by Architect9 October 28, 2018

271πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Portia is sweet and caring, she loves her friends and family. When she has a boyfriend she is down for them 110%. Anyone would be lucky to have a Portia in their lives! A down to earth type of girl who can be cheeky when she wants to be, but serious when she needs to be. You can trust her with your life and she is always willing to listen. Boys... if you’ve got a Portia never let her go, she will be the best thing that ever happens to you! There will always be something about her that will make you think of her! Once you hurt Portia she will only give second chances if she’s really loves you, and if she’s does you truly are so lucky!! Keep Portia nearby and never let her go!

Portia is someone you never want to loose

by ohthatgurl007 August 8, 2017

330πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful woman you've ever seen in your life. Portia got the face of an Angel with a body of a Goddess and brains of a wise woman with an ancient soul.

Portia is the woman of your dreams.

by 007WordIsBond May 21, 2020

58πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Portia is the sweetest girl you will ever meet! She is very caring and Is protective for her friends. Portia makes her boyfriend feel like the most special person on the world and she makes sure he is okay all the time and is not shy, if anything she is over-confident and is very funny. But if you treat her wrong she will no tollerate it and will get very angry and pissed off. She has people that will stick up for her and she will always win. In two words, Shes amazing

Boy 1-Omg dude.. That portia girl is just so crazy.., i love it and i'm gonna make her mine!

Boy2- i told her she was horrible and all her mates jumped in and made me look like a fool and a dick! Jheez

by Batman1000000 January 5, 2015

175πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Portia is sweet and caring, she loves her friends and family. When she has a boyfriend she is down for them 110%. Anyone would be lucky to have a Portia in their lives! A down to earth type of girl who can be cheeky when she wants to be, but serious when she needs to be. You can trust her with your life and she is always willing to listen. Boys... if you’ve got a Portia never let her go, she will be the best thing that ever happens to you! There will always be something about her that will make you think of her! Once you hurt Portia she will only give second chances if she really loves you, and if she does you truly are so lucky! Keep Portia nearby and never let her go!

Portia is someone you never want to loose.

by bestdefcorrected August 15, 2018


Portia is the type of person to get so high at school that she gets kicked off a sports team. Portia usually is a nice person and always laughs.

Dang Portia is so funny.

by DIGDACKDICK January 29, 2019

47πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The sweetest girl ever!
Very funny and very smart!
Dark red hair and a lovely smile!
She hates it when people piss her friends off
So watch out, motherf*cker because she'll tell
you where to go!
Very creative and artistic!
Everybody loves Portia!
Everybody is Portia's friend!
If you're not, then you're weird!

"That girl is so fly. She's the bestest"
"She must be Portia!"

by annonymousdoooood October 15, 2011

191πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž