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1. To flush the toilet prematurely, or before one is finished "going" to the bathroom-- Usually used to mask sounds or when in a hurry.

2. Having to flush the toilet before one even begins to use the bathroom, due to prior droppings or toilet paper left behind by the previous user.

1. "Dude, I had diarrhea this morning and had to Pre-Flush so my sister's friends couldn't hear. I like my sister's friends."

2. "Ok, who didn't flush the toilet? I had to Pre-Flush a giant floater before i went, c'mon!"

by Americanhockey1 February 3, 2011

14👍 3👎


To flush the toilet before finishing your 'business'. Usually done when in a hurry. eg. During a movie.

Kevin : Wow, that was quick!
Dave : I Pre-Flushed so I didn't miss any of the film

by UltimateBurrito May 17, 2010

1👍 1👎


To flush the water-closet prior to defication thereby lubricating the porcelain, thus mitigating the effects of a crash landing.

'Dont forget to pre-flush darling, you do know how you love to crash-land'.

by McGinty September 2, 2006

8👍 6👎

pre-flush rush

to flush the toilet prior to taking a dump to avoid the smell, sound of embarrising clashing water, (and most of all) the waiting for the feces to go down the pipes.

Ryan- Hey man whyd u pause the game?
Chris- I have to take a dump but i promise to stay in a pre-flush rush mode.
Ryan- Alright good, thanks man.

by Chris Hrris August 15, 2007

5👍 1👎

pre-meditated flush

upon reaching tolietry facility, the pre flushing of the toilet before the feces is relocated. Usually used when a homosapien has to shit so bad and so loud, and knows it is going to require more than a courtesy flush. Matches in hand.

My shit was so bad i flushed before i started, it was a pre-meditated flush.

by Matt Hargis February 28, 2008