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The moment before you get totally baked, when your pretty stoned but not all the way.

Guy 1:Dude how baked are you?
Guy 2:Oh I'm about preheated.
Guy 1:That's it, man I'm baked like a potato.

by Anon 2012 April 3, 2010


The state in which an oven is being or has been preheated in order to cook munchies.

Preheation is almost complete, then 10 to 12 minutes to cook before enjoying delicious pizza rolls.

by DeMullet January 7, 2011


A term used to denote one's intention of smoking weed before an activity or attending a public event. It may also imply that the smoking takes place in an enclosed area.

Hey, do you wanna preheat before we go see Alice in Wonderland?

by crazynorw3gian December 8, 2010

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A High end WoW raider that Trademarked his name in an attempt to have sole ownership of similar names because he felt 'personally attacked' anytime he saw the name of another Streamer "Preheet". In the later part of 2020 Preheat sent a Cease and Desist through email to Preheet asking him to change his name, claiming in the past he had asked him nicely, which turned out to be edited to say so.

Yo dude, that guy chose a similar name to your's, you should definitely pull a Preheat on him.

He went full Preheat over it, and ruined his career.

by bizquiz October 28, 2020


A party before an event where drinking/smoking takes place in order to save money, bond with friends, and have a sufficient buzz before going to the event.

Whose house are we going to preheat at?

by FamilyJulsie April 7, 2018


A term to describe the shluts in waiting. Any female you're working on.

John: Hey man, so you and Jen broke up. You got any new prospects?

Albert: You know me man, I've always got some buns preheating in the oven.

by trickdick June 23, 2005

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Preheated to 450ยฐ

Fire, lit, dope, cool, awsome, heated, etc.

This new Logic song is preheated to 450ยฐ.
Are you good dude? You look preheated to 450ยฐ.

by zackduuh September 17, 2017

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