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a prepular is someone that is preppy AND popular. You must be both to be a prepular. Most even play some sports. You have to have a defined group that enjoys poking fun at others because they are different. Connections are everything! if your shoes were on sale at wal-mart for 7.99, no one wants to know it! As far as your group knows...they were 40$ at A+F. they are the people you love. and also the people you LOVE to HATE.

without naming names, i would like to say a prepular is:

A girl who comes to school late with a java in her hand,, wearing big sunglasses and and something with a bird on it. Maybe even a girls polo. They have a certain spot for lunch and are very organized.

by AnnaFace November 29, 2007

8👍 1👎


popular for preppy people

Abercrombie is prepular because preppy people wear it

by sweethang July 12, 2005

36👍 16👎


Preppy and popular. Mostly just preppy, though. Generally skanky.

"The mafia". (Annie and her four disciples)

by loseresque July 22, 2005

13👍 5👎


an adjective to describe a prep...

Look at those prepular people over at Abercrombie!

by Nikko February 18, 2004

6👍 12👎


A prissy person who usually gets freeked when they break a nail. And they think they are all that or w/e

There are tons of prepulars at the mall, lets leave!

by RachelGreene13 April 16, 2006

3👍 10👎

Prepular Culture

Like popular culture, but for preps.
ie. Anything that is popular amongst preps.

Prepular Culture Example #1
Guy: So, who's your favourite musician?
Prep: OMG Lady Gaga <3<3

Prepular Culture Example #2
Guy: So, what's your favourite TV program?
Prep: OMG Skins <3<3

by JokoAndy August 22, 2009