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Prison Time

When you are a senior and get a freshman pregnant.

I had prison time.

by That stud 1128 April 3, 2018

4👍 1👎

Prison Fun Time

A colorful euphemism for prison rape. This usually occurs in the public showers, due to the excess of soap and other lube available.

Big scary guy: "Hey Tommy! Guess what time it is, boy?"

Tommy: "P-Prison Fun Time?"

Big scary guy #2: "That's right, boy!"

by Vendaciousness February 2, 2018

26👍 1👎

First time prisoner defense

The first time prisoner defense is a self-defense move which involves pooping yourself or your pants in order to avoid being raped.

This can be done by both men and women in any context, but was popularized as a grimy prison tactic.

"Damn, I heard George is going to prison for murder. I hope he brings lube hahaha"

"Hahaha I hope he tries the first time prisoner defense out."

by BadgerNoise February 26, 2022