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A Procter is the type of person to get very angry very quickly when in an argument about a shit football team.

Procters are often short but can stand up for themselves when needed.

They always have very hot friends.

Friend 1: "Oi you! You're short and u support the Reds... ew!"
Friend 2: "GRRRRRRRRRR I hate you and I touched your Mother!"
Friend 1: "Calm down mate... don't be such a Procter."

by SexuallyAttractiveLol May 19, 2021

10👍 1👎


A random person also known as twatface


by Lone19202020 July 11, 2008

25👍 17👎


Failing to meet academic deadlines or standards due to laziness, football manager and making sandwiches.

Sorry I'm 47 years late with that sub-6 year old level of work guys. I've absolutely Proctered it.

by Kpaxmo March 6, 2015


the act of having your super-sweet sunglasses stolen

damn homie, sarah just proctered me. imma go beat dat bitch up ya heard

by arablazin February 10, 2008

1👍 1👎

Lily Procter

Lily Procter is one of the coolest people in the world, if you don’t have a lily Procter in your life what are you doing, she’s very sxc and very very cool, she’s just the best

Wow lily Procter is so cool

by Coolest dude in the world mwah October 3, 2019

Lily Procter

Lily Procter is one of the coolest people in the world, if you don’t have a lily Procter in your life what are you doing, she’s very sxc and very very cool, she’s just the best

Wow lily Procter is so cool

by Coolest dude in the world mwah October 3, 2019