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short for: cool

U r so ql

by 157 October 30, 2003

65👍 37👎


abbreviation for quietly laughing

That was so funny ql!

by mj4mayor June 14, 2009

15👍 13👎


A synonym for COOL in the sense of AWESOME. QL sounds like cool.

Look at my new tattoo.
QL bro.

by Randonarchy April 3, 2021

u r so ql

You are so cool. Sms. language. Used to tell someone to tell them that they are cool.
Often used as a sarcastic fraise.

hi clark. u r so ql.

by John Smith August 17, 2003

16👍 25👎

u r so ql

you are so cool

you are so cool omg give me your fucking autograph

by Angelus August 24, 2003

9👍 26👎


You are so incredibly bored.
Go back to work.
If you are trying to find a new definition using the keyboard, read this story of how broke my wrist from finding definitions.

It was a long summer weekend in 2020 (BAD YEAR) i was on Urban Dictionary trying to find some definitions, i fell off i chair and it fell onto my wrist and it broke. The End.

Player 1: qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm
Player 2 has entered the game
Player 2: =\-09p8o7i6u5y4t3r2e1'w;ql/k.j,hmgnfbdvscaxz
Player 1: You Win

by Gamerminecraft2000 April 5, 2022

5👍 5👎