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A 48 year old man from Somalia who is bad at english and sold his wife for internet connection

Person 1:Dude did you hear about Raben?
Person 2:Ya, mans really sold his wife for internet connection

by Faz3_Gays🍆🍆🍆 January 2, 2019

8👍 3👎


Cheap sexy attractive slip ons. They come in just about every colour. You can find them cheap at the city in Sydney. =)

Person#1 - OMGHHOOODD bro, nice shoes, what are they called?
Person#2 - Oh Rabens, got em at the city for $20

by Pedo/Homo=? September 8, 2008

9👍 10👎


Only the coolest shoes in the world.
Available in Australia and probably other places too.
Insanely cheap, insanely comfortable, these shoes come in a variety of different colours.

Person 1: Hey man, check out my sweet new rabens, I got them from Aus.
Person 2: WTF are rabens?
Person 1: These *points to shoes* are rabens.
Person 2: OMG! They're the coolest shoes I've ever seen!

by bee.rinz July 16, 2008

34👍 26👎

Jack Rabens

Fashion but also an icon

I wanna be 'Jack Rabens' so bad

by Rora Polaris <3 December 23, 2021

Rabenator OCE

The Rabenator OCE is the goat and has the best 90s in the world and can shit on Will FN. ;)

Rabenator OCE is cranking

by BIG C! September 15, 2022