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A larger gathering usually of highschool or college students where massive amounts of alcohol are consumed

Rager at Cozz's bring the brew

by Greatness October 30, 2004

1706πŸ‘ 442πŸ‘Ž


An extremely powerful erection

I woke up this morning with a rager

by Jo Jo's Pizza March 14, 2005

1061πŸ‘ 584πŸ‘Ž


Notorious in college but high school can have major ones as well. Its not just a party but a massive party that usually consists of crazy shit happening. Keggers are a must. The party is so full that you can barely move around.

Yo man there is a rager pool party happening tonight at TA's

by Easy_EC July 4, 2010

335πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


A person who is a huge fan or Travis Scott and goes to the concerts to rage in the pit

Guy 1: Yo Billy Nasser is a real rager!
Guy 2: Dude I know he’s crazy lit!

by LaFlame30 July 28, 2019

129πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


an epic adventure; involving a combination of fire, mayhem, sex or disorderly conduct. usually ran on little sleep and fueled by drugs & alcohol.

5-day rager in Morgantown this weekend, you in?

by IOWA JOHN February 11, 2010

188πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž


Kid Cudi.

Person 1: I heard Mr. Rager is on his way to heaven!
Person 2: Sweet sassy mollassy!

by nigopolous November 4, 2010

401πŸ‘ 310πŸ‘Ž


People who are easily provoked and for no reason hostile to anyone. They usually attempt to provoke people by insulting people without knowing nothing of their victim. Ragers are commonly found on the internet and online games, for they have no life in the real world so they must retreat to their virtual world.

Online gamer "Yay, I killed someone"

Rager "Get a life you F**king noob"

Online gamer "Huh? I'm just enjoying the game you should too :)"

Rager "Your mom"

by Sushi Warrior January 21, 2011

57πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž