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Someone or something that is run down, old, broken, dirty, and or lacks cleanliness

Look at this raggety lookin ho she hasn't bathed in weeks

by Juice Lockwood October 26, 2010

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Trashy, looking like a whore,slut, or prostitute, horny looking; no sense of innocence;

Damn that bitch is raggety!

Yo, you no that bitch Rolanda?

Shes a raggety one on da bed

by Paul the Panda July 16, 2009

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Raggety Basket

A phrase used to describe someone’s extremely loose arsehole usually made this way from excessive anal

Yesterday I saw Jude’s raggety basket

by Miss Mccan July 31, 2019


A person who's hair resembles that of Raggety Ann.

Sacha: Yo Byron, whats that doll's name? Annie the rag doll, rag doll ann...
Byron: It's Raggety Ann dumbass!
Sacha: Oh right, well you look exactly like her!

by s-pheezy November 1, 2010