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An extremely long basketball shot. Meant to be made, although no effort was made whatsoever for its completion. Usually results in removing from the court.

Tony was rallising against white plains, he chucked up mad threes and a rallis.

by Peterballer91 February 2, 2010


Clawing your way out of the depths of drunken hell and rejoining the party in full-on pimp style.

Person 1: "Did you see babyglo rally like a champ last night?"
Person 2: "Yeah, and she managed to find her sunglasses!"

by SamKram October 5, 2006

611πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


Commonly found in college students’ vocabulary, the act of regaining strength and motivation to continue consuming alcohol and attending parties. One may want to β€œrally” after consuming alcohol for a number of hours prior to a party, yet when the time of the party arrives he/she is too tired or drained to persist. The act of β€œrallying” would then take place to ensure attendance at the party.

"Katie, pull yourself together and rally! Let's go."

by sophanc September 25, 2014

99πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


When the car is specifically made to go vroom vroom fast on all type of ground surface. It will go vroom fast over bumps, it will go vroom droft handbreak on corners

Rally is fast (`・ω・´)

by JapaneseGaurd August 8, 2019

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The state/ mode one must force themselves & their body into in order to truly keep it real and represent. Usually happens after your boy calls you up 2 hours after you just got in and were finally able pass out. After you hang up, you lay there for good 2-3 minutes (where it be your bed, bathroom floor, couch, kitchen counter, hood of your car, front lawn, etc.) debating on whether or not it will all be worth it. It is possible to pass out at this point but only for a short while because the fucker next door decided he was going to mow his gosh damn lawn.

At this point you realize it is hopeless and you must at this time go into rally mode because you also realize that you roll deep and must live up to not only the expectations others have for you to bring debauchery to the party but, the expectations that you have for yourself in that you ain't no damn pussy, bitch ass.

So with that, you wash your face, look at yourself in the mirror shake your head and realize that you may want to smoke a bowl to settle your stomach. Then you get some damn breakfast....no matter what time of the day it is.

**Note** You can't say, "Dude I'm straight Rallying right now" or "I'm totally in Rally mode" unless at least 2 nights in a row of hardcore partying have just taken place where and the sun is up before you even get back to your place.

Could also be a full 24 hour debauchery scene. When this is the case, usually you rally 2 times, sometimes more (depending on the person) with in that 24 hour period.

RALLY #1: After you've puked a little from all those shots trying to get your initial drunk on, you realize you are more hard core than a little puke in your mouth....so you keep going.

RALLY #2: Occurs after you've passed out in the bathroom with your pants around your ankles and either wake up feeling like a million bucks or do whatever you can to get yourself to feel like a million bucks (i.e. more alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.). Then you just keep going.


Person #2: Shit....this fool already?!...Hello?

Person #1: Yo dude what up!?

Person #2: WTF?! Shit.....Dude, why the hell am I in my backyard sleeping on the lawn chair?

Person #1: Hell if I know. Listen fool...we gotta RALLY! Stop acting like a tool, pull your shit together and meet me at my place by 7:30 tonight....WE GETTIN FUCKED UP TONIGHT!!!!

Person #2: Son of a bitch dude....shit. Alright dawg. See you then...peace.

Person #1: Late

*Hangs up phone*


by weezy_beezy May 13, 2009

205πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž


Rally can refer to many things. This one is about the motorsport "rally", action "rallying / rally racing"

Rally is a motorsport, where different drivers and teams compete against each other by doing the best times.
1 rally usually takes place in 1 certain place (country, county etc) and there are different stages, that also take places in different places inside the area chosen (country, county etc). Drivers start to stages with intervals (usually 1-5 minutes). Whoever is the fastest overall wins the rally.
There are also rally championships, that hold many rallies in it. Usually championship winners are determined by the points they collect with the rallies.

1) Ott TΓ€nak won the World Rally Championship 2019 champions title!
2) Rallying is my favorite motorsport.
3) This rally had many spectators.

by Sandnder November 8, 2019


when you think you've lost all motivation and energy but find it in you to push through and give it all you got

I know you've grinded all semester but it's finals week now, you gotta RALLY.

by squidney240 December 11, 2019