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A second cleaning attempt of the arse when you have the feeling that you are not as clean as you should be from an earlier deuce.
Most times proves to be unnecessary and performed more for peace of mind.

1st dude: Hey, how about a courtesy flush in there?
2nd dude: Don't worry man, just doing a re-wipe.

by brion1111 August 9, 2012

44👍 2👎


Shortly after taking a crap, one feels that "squishy" feeling between the butt cheeks, and a retreat to the restroom is needed to check the damage.

That was no false alarm, a re-wipe was desperately needed.

by rbtdp January 7, 2009

33👍 3👎


The act of having to return to the washroom to wipe your ass again as you did not remove all the crap the first time.

that shit I just took was so sticky, it required a re-wipe.

by Soused February 27, 2007

28👍 8👎

Dreaded Re-Wipe

The act of wiping your ass no less than 20 minutes after shiting and subjecting ones ass to the intitial wiping process. Is a sign the job was not done properly the first time.

Looks like its time for the dreaded re-wipe.

by Matt September 28, 2004

13👍 4👎