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When you're too bad for your current status so your management yeets you down to the rank that you used to mock.

Man, you get too cheeky. I think you need a relegation...

by H1dd3n_Identity July 15, 2020


An inevitability for Man City

Despite being better funded than most of the World's countries - Man City are doomed to relegation

by Leaskj January 3, 2009

14👍 7👎


To put out in the boondocks. To assign to a lower status.

If we get caught the boss will relegate both of us to the mail room. We sorted through all the photos and Kim and Shaila's were so blurry we had to relegate them to the garbage file.

by bitit December 15, 2013

10👍 1👎

Get Relegated

When some one gets devalued or put into their place basically they just got owned

Larry: I think I can make it to the NBA
Bob: dude you just beat by a girl that is five three years younger than you. GET RELEGATED

by lilpereira June 6, 2009

relegation fodder

Relegation fodder is the term used to describe football clubs who will battle against relegation from their league.

Football fan #1: So, what team do you think is gonna surprise us all this year?
Football fan #2: I gotta go with Norwich
Football fan #1: Norwich? Nah bro, they're relegation fodder.

by Peatrix Botter March 2, 2022

Relegation Battle

The process upon which a former champion or champies is dumped to the heap of forgotten losers.

e.g. I cant believe he is involved in a relegation battle. Pathetic, he should rather keep to himself.

by casman07 September 12, 2016

Relegation Station

Electric Vehicle charging stations.

Since electric vehicles take so long to charge, you are stuck in one place for hours while your life slowly passes you by, you have a few birthdays before it reaches 50%, and paleontologist began to study your remains.

I would LOVE to meet you for dinner, but I’ve been at this relegation station for two hours and won’t make the round trip if I leave now.

I wish that I had an ICE (internal combustion engine) car; I could’ve filled up with gas in two minutes, yet I’m chained to this Relegation Station.

by Super Newby January 27, 2018