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Remoting is the act of controlling a device or other thing remotely.

I am remoting the robot.

by funky sven June 13, 2011


Remoting is were when a guy is sleeping another guy puts a remote up the sleeping guys ass and usually takes a picture of video for future blackmail.

Tom:Last night I was remoting John.
Alice: Oh I bet that pushed his buttons.

by eafy January 28, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you find/leave a TV remote in a remote area.

That thing was a remote-remote. I couldn't find it anywhere!

by Kevin and Rob March 26, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Controlling a computer system from a place other than the computers location.

Accessing a server, computer or network from home.

They were having computer problems. So I remoted in and fixed it.

by IcedOutCat May 13, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that is far away, in a certain way. Often used to describe how different a is from b.

-Playing a guitar is remotely different from playing the drums, you'll never make it! Make it, never! Never it make! You'll never make it!!
-Yes I will dad! Just watch me! *runs off crying*

by Jonas Har En Paraply September 8, 2007

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1. rural, far away, distant, the middle of nowhere.

2. isolated, inaccessible

3. (Of a chance) frail, slim, marginal

4. cold, distant, aloof

Abbreviation of remote control, so named because it controls a machine from a distance.

Could you pass me the remote? From here it's remote and the chances that I can reach it are very remote.

by Lorelili March 18, 2011

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a powerful object which is the subject of fierce battle between siblings and roommates.

I put him/her in a head lock so I could get the remote.

by Wolfman 1000 September 23, 2010

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