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Rianne is the kind of girl that makes all the boys fall for her. She is smart pretty and don’t forget strong. She one of those people that can be sassy,funny,and nice at the same time. But when it comes to friends you should not get one of her friends or she will give it ass handed to you she will beat you up. She is nice until you piss her off she will kick ass

Damn did you see Rianne when that kid messed with her friend color she burnt him

by Yeeeeeeeed August 7, 2019

59πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Often reffered to as a God-like creature, something of great power and beauty. Something that not only others fall in deep envy and owe of but sets the worlds perspective on live into a higher level. Also has tendences to be hyper active but this quality only enhanses the mysterious nature of a 'Rianne'

"Wow the sun looks beautiful today, but not as beautiful as Rianne", "I just seen a shooting star fall into the ocean, but it wasnt as spectacular as Rianne"

by Rianneeee July 11, 2008

435πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


The definition of a sassy, British accented lass, who despite her desperate attempts to understand memes, always falls a tad short of getting it. She gives the best hugs in the world and is that one girl who never fails to make you laugh with her sassy sense of humour

"Did you hear Rianne at the party? She fucking roasted everyone!

by Enzo & Adrian November 1, 2018

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Often referred to a girl who makes guys mouths drop open. She is nice,pretty,and strong. She is a girl who does not stand for wrong. Rianne is nice tell you get to know her she will kick ass if you piss her off. You don’t want to mess with her friends because she is close with her friends. She is also sassy she will tell you the opposite but she is in the heart and someone needs to tell her it and keep it going. Rianne is also a person who falls for tall and hot guys

Bruhh did you hear Rianne she kicked ass when Chloe got hurt

by Yeeeeeeeed August 21, 2019

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


the girl that all guys compare to

DAMN. that girl is nothing CLOSE to a rianne.

by Riannez November 6, 2007

296πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


A toxic and life-sucking person who will ultimately bring down others around her for her greater good. She often has multiple personalities where she can switch from being a very happy go lucky person to an evil scary person. People should learn to avoid her in almost all situations.

Person A: You hear about the new girl Rianne L.
Person B: Yeah I did, shes crazy and bipolar.

by Hsndmnmskd May 7, 2020

5πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Riann is a tik tok Star.
Can steal your manz at anytime whenever they want so look out. #Broken heart club.

Can be cute sometimes but kinda stupid.

They have a good technique of eating.
Lonely right now so hit them up if you wanna be with them.

Riann once is powerful

by Lilpapi April 16, 2020

496πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž