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A term to mimick people that live on chatservers and say ROFL after every sentence.

Chat Server Nerd 1: Guess what lol
Chat Server Nerd 2: LOLZ ROFL

by Shaina August 9, 2004

302👍 49👎


2. A newbie, somebody who says Lol! Omg! Wtf? ASL? ect.... on a message forum.

3. The protector of M n' Ms. It is Rofflecopter's goal to deliver the M n' Ms to the masses of the world.

Like Omg! Lol! Lol! I'm a newbie! Lol! Lol! I'm gonna get your M n' Ms! Lol! Omg!

by InsaneFox December 10, 2004

111👍 94👎


The mode of transportation in which the roffle is delivered.

"....And then I kicked his ass"

Rofl should be replaced with Rofflecopter

by SpadeSlaughter July 11, 2008

20👍 26👎


1.) A helicopter that makes people laugh as a ruse to make them drop their guard before getting blasted by the rocket launcher mounted underneath the cockpit.

2.) The transportation vehicle of choice by the Smogonites and similar elitist online organizations.


* AdolfSmogon enters on the Rofflecopter
<Jessiker> lol
* AdolfSmogon blasts your pasty white ass with the rofflecopter's rocket launcher


<AdolfSmogon> bah
<AdolfSmogon> i forgot to do the rofflecopter landing

by KKM April 12, 2005

43👍 148👎