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A book which states that the creator of said book will always be right. Regardless of the subject of the argument or the length in which such disagreements have been taking place. The author always has the final say.

Coutney:"Oh Hugh ur rulebook gets me everytime"
Hugh:"Yes silly one it does, and thats because i created it"
Coutney:"Oh...Do tell"
Hugh:"Well, No matter the situation, because i created the book, I always win any argument"
Courtney:"Ahh, after all these years you have always been right. So silly of me never to realise. Im so glad you have now made it so clear"
Hugh:"Aww thats ok, I guess we will never mention this again then"

haha sorry had to be done**cya at ur birthday

by Hughdacris September 20, 2005

6👍 4👎

twin rulebook


ALWAYS vote for your twin if they're running for sophomore class treasurer. no matter what. and use this as proof that you have to.

"Hey, I heard your twin is running for treasurer."
"dude I know. I have to vote for him. It's in the twin rulebook"

by twintwintwin May 20, 2010

Ronnie Rulebook

A person that creates rules and consistently plays by them, often to an obnoxious degree.

We have no choice but to do what Ronnie Rulebook says. The top brass have a new leader and they have to make everything look good for him.

by pentozali June 26, 2009

1👍 3👎

Rule 64 of the Player's Rulebook

Rule 64 states that the act of "bragging" about female "conquests" is disallowed. This is due to the negative global image such a depravity places on the art, as well as the decrease in social worth for the individual as those who are extremely successful feel no need to broadcast the fact.

Joel: "Duuude, I got soo many bitches last night, call me Mr.Bitches"

Josh: "Im'a call you "Bitchy" if you don't shut up. Rule 64 of the Player's Rulebook. You obviously never get any. Bitchy"

by Endo/Shen October 28, 2010

22👍 10👎