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sample music

To steal part of a song, usually the hook or chorus, and insert it into a crappy song so that the otherwise crappy song is tolerable. This "sampling" is usually blatantly obvious.

"Have you heard FloRida's new song 'Sugar'?"

"Ew, the one where he steals, I mean samples music from that crappy techno song 'I'm Blue'?

"Yeah, it came on the radio last night and I couldn't stay in my car, it was too horrible. I hate songs that sample music"

by Interficio August 17, 2009

14👍 18👎

sample music

Music meant to be remixed for creating songs, often used in raps and EDMs. Probably a trade or an IP secret for most or many musicians as this kind of song is usually not credited and they probably do not tell you if you ask

So, Your Favorite Martian or Ray William Johnson introduced me to the term "sample music" or "sample production music". He probably will not tell you which company he uses if you ask since he hides the file names whenever he wants to show proof that other songs with the same patterns as his are not stolen but uses the same sample music company as his

I identified a song and Google, Shazam, and Reddit music ID AIs (r/NameThatSong) gave me different songs with the exact sample music, mostly explicit (especially on the lyrics), but I feel something else or not explicit if there's no context given. Even there's a Michael Jackson song with one of the variations of the exact sample music, indicating that the sample song I searched is older than my estimation

by PuniUwUCute February 19, 2023