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The combination of the words sassy, sarcastic, aggressive, and probably another word all in one.

β€œYeah, sure, I loooved your book.”
β€œare you being sassive?”

by RedChrome February 11, 2021


(adj) Passive-agressive sassiness.

I asked my waitress for some lemons. She gave me ONE. Bitch is so sassive!

Instead of just asking John to be quiet, Rachel just said 'shhhhhhhhh' for 3 minutes straight. Sassive.

Jessica borrowed my jacket and spilled beer all over it. When I asked her about it, her response was 'sarry!' So sassive it's not even funny!

by WhatsThaaat April 14, 2011

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To be passive-aggressive in a sassy tone of voice. The passive-aggressive comes from the words you use, while the sass comes from the vocal inflections you use when talking. It is more effective than just being sassy or passive-aggressive because you can use both at once for a double-whammy of insults.

*Two girls talking*
Girl 1: Do you like my new shirt? I picked it up at target.

Girl 2(sassily): Oh, I love how you just wear anything!

Girl 1: Damn bitch, that was really sassive-aggressive!

by connorgrs April 9, 2015

Sassive Aggressive

Similar to being Passive Aggressive but with more attitude. More offensive than defensive, sassive aggression can provoke shame, guilt, or a confession out of the other person. It is particularly effective if used in a crowd where the other person is unable to defend him or herself.

It's also a bit sadistic.

Becky: "You should tell your roommate that you're done giving her second chances and the more she has to apologize, the less her apologies will mean. Her best friend will slowly start to resent her and drift away until the only person she could ever rely on is gone."
Jessica: "Even though you're talking about my roommate, I can tell that your words are meant for me. You're being Sassive Aggressive because you're not even trying to hide it, but only I understand the meaning. Since our other friends are nearby, I can't retaliate without making myself look bad so I just have to sit here and take it."

by seldoodeseehC October 13, 2015


The act of using sass to compell action.

My mother was sassive-agressive when she asked if I was going to sit and play games all day.

by TheAmericanVerb January 24, 2022


In psychology, sassive-progressive behavior is characterized by a persistent intolerance of other individuals who can't take a hint or perhaps they constantly badger and/or annoy you.

Her sassy remark to the store clerk was a sure sign of sassive-progressive behavior. The clerk will no longer comment on her hair bun, that's for damn sure.

by MattyDM September 2, 2015