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for schizzle

for sure

by rt03 January 20, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


see shizzle. schizzle is the same word as shizzle, used by people who like to complicate stuff.

Fouh zschizzleh mha nizzlehโ‚ฌ

by Olliey September 4, 2006

24๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


(N.) Used to in place of an objects real name, especially if you don't remember what that object is called.
The word is combined from the word "Shit" and "This"

Yo dawg what the fuck is that schizzle you be listenin' to

by Cfellaris June 3, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fo schizzle my nizzle

To make one feel chill or "cool".

"bro I can hook you up"
"Fo schizzle my nizzle"
"I got you"

by fo chizzle September 12, 2015

schizzle fizzle

The vibe is right and the drinks are strong. Itโ€™s the best night in NASHVILLE because youโ€™ve been kicked out of #Tootsies and #LuckyBastards

Itโ€™s a schizzle fizzle mother fuckers!!!!!!LOL

by LULU22 January 7, 2022

J. Schizzle

Alias of ganster rapper John Cairns, known for his contriversial lyrics about bent slabs.

Like J. Bizzle, but worse.

That J. Schizzle is a right c*nt!

by J. Schizzle April 13, 2008

schizzle dop

The schizzle dop: A sex move in which one participant twerks while the other participant performs the moonwalk in unison. This move is meant to mimic the motion of the planet Earth moving around the sun. The name is derived from the words "schizzle" and "dop," which are slang words for "cool" or "awesome." The move is often used as a way to impress and entertain a partner by demonstrating one's dance skills while also showcasing a sense of humor and playfulness.

Person 1: yoooo I just schizzle dopped my super hot girlfriend
Person 2: what the fuck

by Pottt October 5, 2023