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Farm talk for diarrea, specifically cattle.

That baby calf has the scours.

by kdot March 8, 2008

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1) To effectively coat the toilet bowl and underside of a porcelain seat with an excessive amount of liquid fecal matter.

2) To effectively coat any surface or object with an excessive amount of liquid fecal matter.

Boy, I sure hope I don't scour the bowl after eating all those wings!

Holy shit, someone scoured the bowl!

Wow, what a great scour!

by Cletus T Hall Jr January 27, 2009

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to scour

verb, pirates' equivalent for "to search"

Cap'n Arraw: "what be you goin' t' do?"
Parrot: "I'm goin' to scour fer mateys!"

by Pan_Miroslav April 4, 2014


travellers /pikies way of saying shit. mostly used to insult ppl

jim-davie get up here u scoury shite?

davie- cunt off jim u conyas shite

by joe joyce January 22, 2016

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In reference to Jim's persistant tracking of Neil Young.

"Jim scoured the earth looking for Young Neil."

by Champ September 16, 2003

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scour the internet

To intensively search the Internet by means of search engines and social media.

I will scour the Internet for information on that subject.

by Renzohouston October 29, 2015

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Stand and Scour

When a man uses his urine to clean any smears or debris from the inside of the toilet bowl.

Roommate: Sorry dude, I left some shit smears in the toilet bowl.
Guy: Don't worry about it, I'll do a stand and scour.

by uschris September 27, 2009