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The scrap paper that is left over when ripping paper out of a spiral notebook; the paper in between the perforated edges and the binding in a notebook.

It is very disrespectful of Jimmy when he leaves scragglies all over the table when he rips the homework out of his notebook.

by Brad Connors November 30, 2011

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. A person or object that is really gross or trashy looking.
2. A person with really nappy or gross hair.

That girl is fuckin' scraggly or She's got some scraggly ass hair.
*Pronounced (scraig), with a long A.

by 07BWrekin October 4, 2006

39πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Messy, gross, weird,uncombed.

Gwabio your Hugh Jyebrows are sooo Scraggly!!!

by Cornelia [Goose] September 21, 2007

22πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Skin that is prickly from hairs growing in. Or a hobos beard.

Will is so gay because his face is scraggly.

by DiaStarr January 29, 2009

4πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

scraggly crank

A person that has scraggly hair and or looks like a druggy, preferably a crank head

Dang Brian, you look like a scraggly crank.

by jumunji June 11, 2007

scraggly scrandy

a crazy white boy who is stuck with this embarassing name 4ever thanks 2 his friend stankberdina..even though he is not so scraggly, only after an entire night of swimming with nemo!

Everyone needs their own scraggly scrandy in their life!

by Andy Krones March 11, 2011

Scraggly tony

A discriptive way to reference a guys junk, specifically junk that’s hairy or scraggly in any way.

mannn, that dude has a scraggly tony!

by toadrangler November 1, 2017