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usually of Mexican heritage, although the name comes from Greek, Italian, Spanish, roots. One hell of a guy, more of an introvert with good leadership and management skills. Loves women, a ladies man. The definition of a true player. Women cant get enough of him! He is smart, very open minded, non judgemental, sympathetic, loyal, passionate, sincere. On the other hand hes not very good at staying in one relationship. He gets bored with a routine and needs excitement like an adrenaline junkie. Don't get on his bad side cause he is known for not backing down no matter how small the incident. Does not argue much and does not get attached to things be it materials or relationships. Cocky at times, do not under estimate him. Fights like a beast and fucks like beast.

Look at the first post about selso, she must of got played by selso!

by Loyal friend October 4, 2013


Usually a liar with a huge ego but average or small penis. He is also short-about 5'2. In love with himself to the point that he creates his own gravitational pull. Unable to empathize, kind of conservative and close-minded. On the other hand he is energetic, athletic and can be kind of like a cheerleader. Not good at relationships. Just usually there to give girls attention, but they never take him seriously.

You heard Selso spreading rumors again? He says I want him but its the other way around. What a little weasel.

by beenwronged November 10, 2011

5👍 13👎