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send for you

1)From Donnie Brasco, when the higher ups in the mob requests your presence, which usually means your name will be off the phonebooks.

Lefty: When they send for you, you go in alive, you come out dead, and it's your best friend that does it.

by Lee the First September 26, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Send you up

When someone will beat you up basically saying they will send you to heaven

โ€œIโ€™ll send you up if you keep playing โ€œ

by 007bluee February 25, 2023



(you will have to do whatever i want so i don't hurt you...may include barbequeing.)

"tyrone get your head out of your ass, or i will send you to the grill!!"

or past tense

"shaniqua's been pissing my shit off lately so i sent her to the grill! she'll think twice before fucking with me again!"

by Geneva ( in honor of carrie and denise) October 23, 2006

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I will send you to Jesus

what an Asian says while holding a sandal threatening you to death.

"I will send you to Jesus" said Dumbledore calmly.

by January 10, 2022

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I will send you to Jesus

Stephen He. When your failure is failing so much that not even failure managment will work on him.

I will send you to Jesus

by Lol, nub get skill February 3, 2022

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send kalani after you

An expression used to commence a DDOS attack towards someone.

"Zip it going to send kalani after you" ~WaterLostic

by Send Kah-Lahn-e after you February 20, 2017

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I'm gonna send you all the GIFs

Something you say when you really love someone and you're about to spam them with your signature affectionate GIFs.

Riaberri: Laughter is the wine of the brain!

Joshyberri: ๐ŸคฃI love you, I'm gonna send you all the GIFs

by CaptainFlapjacks December 28, 2022