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A highly potent form of marijuana, in which the end, smokable product contains no seeds.

Sensimilla does not refer to a particular breed or strain of plant. Any female marijuana plant which is prevented from becoming fertilized will produce flowers without seeds. This contributes to a higher THC content in the harvest because none of the buds have had a chance to turn into seeds. This also contributes to the quality and rarity of Sensimilla product because an unfertilized sensi-yeilding plant is unable to reproduce (until fertilized).

The term "Sensimilla" is broken down to translate in Spanish as "without seeds" (sin semilla), however the term was coined and popularized in the context of marijuana culture by California growing regions. (which have strong Spanish/Mexican cultural influence)

"I also got a lot of aid from good good sensimilla
that's why I do not snort the coke I only burn the Ganja."
-Pato Banton

by SensiLove June 19, 2009

811👍 179👎


Seedless marijuana, from the Spanish "Without seeds". Originating in California. Yes California, which isn't were Spanish originated, but neither is Mexico, you moron. California has an enormous Spanish speaking population which you know unless you've lived your life locked in a cupboard under the stairs in South Dakota. 9.9

"Gimme some of that crazy Sensimilla!"

by Pinkie Pie Forever October 18, 2011

155👍 77👎


sensimilla is when any breed of marijuana is kept from being fertilized. Some plants have a strong tendency to be hermapradites and are harder to keep from being fertilized. If there was a breed that just did not have seeds, how would it reproduce?

I kept male plants away from the females and now I have sensimilla.

by Weedgrower August 20, 2005

667👍 351👎


from spanish "sin semilla" which means "without seeds". who the hell said the term came from california? i didn't know the spanish language originated in CA but umm okay!

uvas sin semilla (seedless grapes) the spelling of sensimilla is because spanish and english vowels sound different.

by just a white guy March 26, 2006

886👍 480👎


special breed of marijuana plant that produces no seeds. HIGH quality.

once you smoke sens, nothing you do will make sense.

by josh love August 16, 2004

535👍 390👎


diggity dank ass chron chron.

smoke a big spliff of some good sensimilla.

by seeen May 28, 2004

488👍 386👎


High potency weed, originally got its name in California, where the science of growing seedless marijuana evolved, but spread out across the country. Sensemilla is now just seedless marijuana, doesnt have to be from California

This sensi is the strongest shit i ever smoked

by Chron Lungs March 4, 2005

161👍 514👎