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shades of gray

when something is sketchy, superficial, or vague. the phrase can be used in many contexts. and yes, it was a phrase before that stupid movie came out.

"I'm not feeling this deal man, this guy is way too many shades of gray"

"The mystery and shades of gray that surround the case make it hard to pinpoint the suspect"

by pulse.101 February 27, 2015

64👍 13👎

50 shades of gray

simply put, it's paperback porn

Sally- okay, you HAVE to read 50 shades of gray, it;s awesome!!
Bekka- I a'int reading no paperback porn bitch

by thebluetardis December 8, 2012

27👍 9👎

Forty Shades of Gray

variant of word40 Shades of Gray/word

I listen to this every Thursday evening on www.live365.com/stations/wexp

by diction April 11, 2003

1👍 16👎