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When food is lit and good at the same time!!

Dog that chicken was shmackin my dude!

by Itslitfamily July 24, 2017


when something is very fun. extremely crackin, hella cool

the function in richmond was SHMACKIN

by ecrizzel April 6, 2009

17👍 4👎


Popping pills, helluh on. When you're helluh high on pills, you keep saying "sh" everytime you use a word with "s" in it.

This Guy: Ey, you on pillz man?
Shmackin Shmark: Hell yaw, what's shmackin mang?
This Guy: LOL what's your name?
Shmackin Shmark: Shmackin Shmark mang. I put that on mamash mang.

by Shmackin Shmark December 19, 2009

16👍 7👎


When something is fun(like a party), to get something started(like a fight).

ex 1:"A yo cuz, that party was shmackin!!!"
ex 2:"It's about to be on and shmackin cuz, dat bitch keep talkin shit, i'm bout to crack her off top!"

by Kai'yonna December 29, 2005

12👍 9👎