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A penis, cock, or whatever you want to call it

Dude I jizzed out of my shmeckel.

by dick head February 27, 2005

40👍 22👎


Another word for money, cash, coins, mulla, schmoney, stacks, etc.

Look at all my shmeckels.
I can buy a lot of nugs with all my shmeckels!
Grab my shmeckels from my wallet.

by VNova December 4, 2019

6👍 5👎


a word to replace any 1 word in a sentance

"Fuck you, you fuckin' shmeckel"

by nagger jones December 6, 2003

14👍 23👎

Shmeckel freckles

A minor case of sh*t d*ck.

Yo, last night I put just the tip in her bum and when I pulled out she farted and gave me shmeckel freckles.💩🤢

by Anonymousleader Shitshowery November 14, 2022