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(A Kaos original)

a combined huggle (snuggling hug), snuggle, and nuzzle

Jill was so excited and happy with Tom that she rushed over and gave him a huge shnuzzle.
(As opposed to:
Jill was so excited and happy with Tom that she rushed over and gave him a huge huggle, also nuzzling and snuggling him.)

by KirstieKaos June 22, 2009


What it is called when you cuddling with cats or kittens

I was shnuzzling my cat, sorry i am late to work again

by Slutane February 3, 2014


When an adorable and/or small animal gives you the temptation to put the animal in your mouth. Or snuggle it.

Oh my god! That little kitten is so cute that I wanna shnuzzle it!

by CesTiger April 7, 2018