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national punch your short ginger friend day

its that day! on april 28 give your short little ginger friend a BIG ol slap. :) ;) :') UwU TnT uWu ;-;

"come here" -friend that is not short ginger
"no youre gonna punch me"-short ginger friend
"it's national punch your short ginger friend day ;)" - non ginger friend
"AAAHHHHH" - ginger loser

by YoMamma12345678910435425423657 February 9, 2023

1👍 4👎

short ginger

Short gingers are often bullied and are seen as less worthy people while they are actually the higher intelligent hair color, but those who are not ginger cannot realize the facts.

i would even recommend staying away from short gingers because they could easly f"ck you up and your friends.
And some scientist have even newly discoverd that short ginger can have superhuman streangth!

-You see that short ginger
- yeah?
-I could easly outsmart and beat him up
-oh no bro do not do that i have heard they have superhuman streangth!

by lillgurra_aka_shortginger November 25, 2022