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someone who actions are just dumb.

Don't tell me you trashed your car? you shweeb

by Domonologist September 9, 2008

8👍 3👎


a shitty dweeb, also can be called shibby dweeb. depending on whether you like the dweeb or not. shibby meaning cool or sweet.

"dude that kid is pretty shweeb for a nerd!"
"omg ur a shweeb i hate you"

by jessiii January 31, 2007

5👍 4👎


A shy weeb. A girl /boy who is non japanese, but delve into Japanese culture and the world of Anime. Tend to be passive and shy.

I have a friend who is really into Anime and Japanese culture, but she's very shy to talk about it. She is such a Shweeb.

by HybridCrazyChick March 30, 2018


Useless piece of shit

Bruh shweeb is fucking terrible ong.

by Richard Playz 8 February 8, 2021

elskle shweeb

A man/woman who has smoked a shitload of pot and is jacking off in public

What the hell?
That's an Elskle shweeb

by Dnssksokxnxnmdkdksk February 6, 2014


yet another word depicting marijuana. ie; weed, ganja, green ect.

sup fool, ya got some shweebs on deck?

by Dr. Giraffe August 27, 2008