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a goalie in hockey who lets in a lot of goals.

"I'm not drafting that horrible goalie, he's a siv!"

"Dude, that goalie let in 8 goals in one period! He's such a siv!"

by Molly December 26, 2005

402πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


Actually spelt Sieve

A sieve is actually a filter with many holes used for strainging water and liquid from something. The chant is directed to the goalie to say that he/she lets up a lot of goals because he/she is a sieve and contains many holes.

In other words...the goalie sucks

The goalie let up 5 goals that period, what a siv.

Crowd chant after a goal "SIV!! SIV!! SIV!! SIV!!" (directed to goalie who allowed the goal)

by David LaFleur February 22, 2006

169πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


A Nordic name, meaning wife, bride or kinship.
In Norse mythology Siv (or Sif) was the goddess of fertility and agriculture, and married to Thor.
One time Loke (Aasgard's infamous troublemaker) cut of all her hair while she was sleeping. Thor was pissed and forced Loke to get Siv some new hair - made of gold. Loke went to the dwarves, who made Siv a beautiful new hair, made of pure gold, but magically attaching to her head and acting like real hair, making her the most awesome blonde ever!

Also in real life, Siv's are the most awesome girls on earth - naturally blonde, smoking hot with the body of a true goddess! Flirty, but sofisticated.
She's also very independent, extremely intelligent and she has a great sense of humour. Not to mention that she has an exellent taste in music, movies and literature.
Did I mention that she is superintelligent and hot?

OMG Siv, you are so awesome!

Siv is the female equivalent of Teckno Viking.

by Fumiki January 12, 2011

63πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


a chick who loves to get banged...extremely easy to score with her.
Derived from slang term describing a hockey goalie who lets in alot of goals and is easy to score on.
see also Simcoe Siv

Mac - "I got twisted drunk and pounded that bitch last night"
C'lins - "eeeeee, so did i!"
*SLAP* high five in happiness
Mac - "what a fucking siv"
C'lins - "lets get drunk again"
Mac - "indeed"

by NotTheFather123 October 19, 2006

101πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


A synonym for retard or someone who can’t process information at a normal pace

Anthony: Hey man did you hear that Conan Exiles is free on PS plus
Quinten: That game sounds horrible, I don’t wanna download it

Anthony: Dude you’re such a Siv if you don’t wanna download a free game

by Shoesmith April 9, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A name that means a king, a person who will rule the world eventually.
People who are named Siv are the ones with the business minds.

Who is the new guy


Oh so he is gonna be succesfull

by Culpri January 14, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Siv is a person who enjoys doing his homework and loves school very much.

Siv is at home doing his homework again.

by Jon January 6, 2004

11πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž