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one who rides a skateboard and has fun doing it. skaters can be any kind of person; punk, prep, jock, criminal, nerd... whatever. skateboarding has room for all kinds of people, and most of us won't discriminate based on anything but your love for skateboarding.

however, since skateboarding has recently rocketed in popularity, it has now become 'cool'. so now, you have to deal with those who are only doing it to be 'cool'. these people are not really skateboarders.

if you are the other kind of skater (the for real one, and you know who you are) i have some words of wisdom for you. when you get kicked out of a skatespot, don't mouth off to the cops no matter how much of an idiot they really are. if skaters want to get accepted in todays world (which seems impossible right now) then we need to act like civilized people. if thats how we act, that's how we'll be treated, which means less getting kicked out of skate spots and more riding of the skateboard.

skateboarders are usually non-competative people, because competition in skateboarding is fairly low-key; its not really taken seriously. ESPN tried to make it into some dramatic rivalry between the top skaters when in fact they are all friends just goofing around. there's no hating.

by karl July 30, 2004

620๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


There are 2 kinds:
1. Real skater, that respects other sports (BMX, aggressive skate). Usually, these people are decent skaters.
2. Poser. These people hate "spacewasters" and "fruitbooters" to assuage there own feelings of self loathing. These people can be found sitting on top of a quarterpipe, wondering if they might get hurt trying an ollie.

Poser: OMG! That faggot fruitbooter just ground 8 feet of pipe rail (coping). What a noob!
Skateboarder: Then do it.
Poser: I will, as soon as I figure out this whole dropping in thing.

by nicdagnome August 24, 2007

52๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who gets a lot of shit from frat/jock/scum because theyre ex girlfriends are all fucking skaters. Skateboarders also get a lot of hate because the frat/jock/scum cant skateboard so in turn they just talk shit. Frat Jock Scum is just upset because theyre too dumb and fucking muscular to skate and they cant just tackle into someone like a dickface.....besides why would those dudes wanna skate anyway no one in skateboarding likes dave mathews or OAR . Skateboarders are generally sincere,honest, hardworking kids and the ones who are fuck ups arent really skateboarders becuase if they were real skateboarders they would be skateing instead of fucking up. ANd if anyone has anything bad to say you can contact me and come over my house and watch your girl suck me off. WOOD PUSHERS FUCKING UNITE BITCHES.

Skateboarders are fucking rad kids .

by PHILTHADELHPIA July 4, 2006

167๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


some one who has taken an alternative to foot ball and all the other traditional sports. And they pretty much live for the sport.

people who dont think that that skateboarder has much skill havent tryed skateboarding

by Anonymous July 14, 2003

94๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who skateboards.

I ride a skateboard, therefore I am skateboarder.

by Ziggy Stardust March 1, 2005

332๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who rides a skateboard. Most these days do it just because it became a trend. Though some still skate for the love of skating, which happens to take great skill and the ability to get back up after fucking youreslf up.

Many people are jealous of real skateboarders.

by popsicle cocks in my face May 23, 2003

65๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who chose a cool sport instead of putting on a jockstrap and jumping all over men.

It's cool how skateboarders don't jump all over men like football jocks.

by XFS November 10, 2003

273๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž