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A small, feathery, fictional golden bird. It was used in early versions of Quidditch.

The man caught the snidget, and was awarded 150 galleons.

by LilyLunaPotter March 8, 2010

22👍 5👎


To stick a turkey baster in a girls rectum after she has passed out from being too drunk.

She passed out at the party, so I had to give her a snidget

by Daddy Slick May 2, 2003

7👍 18👎


to stick a turkey baster up a drunk girls ass, with the effect of her feeling super emberassed when she wakes up to find it still in there

don't make me give you the snidget

by kazoo krusher September 22, 2003

9👍 19👎

Golden Snidgets

Noun: An awesome, rocking, amazing Quidditch team with fantastic players; A spectacular captain, fast-as-lightning chasers, speedy bullet-like beaters, a dominating keeper, an awe-inspiring seeker, and hard-working subs who excel in every position.

"Ah, we played the Golden Snidgets the other day, they killed us so badly!"

Person 1: Did you hear about the Golden Snidgets?
Person 2: *cowers in fear*

by u_Failure December 18, 2008

16👍 6👎


It's a funny Snidget haha.

Baa! I'm a chair now! I'm Snidget Chair

by FunYunMan August 24, 2021