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The face made by scene girls when they are taking pictures of themselves from odd angles. Spaceface pictures commonly include at least two of the following elements: emo bangs, pouty lips, and peace signs. Often seen as profile pictures on popular social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook.

Scene Girl 1: I like your profile picture. Your spaceface looks really scene. Dinosaurs.
xxSceneGirlx2: Thanks. I know I look totally hxc.

by xxCUTMYSELFxxLESSTHAN3x December 30, 2011

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When someone sends a friend invite to a totally random person they have stumbled across on myspace/facebook, based purely on the appearance of their profile photo.

D: β€œdude I totally just spacefaced this sarah chick. Kinda hot. Went the starship angle”

$: β€œHow’d that work out for you?”

D: β€œYeah nothing yet. Maybe she’s in a different timezone”

by Chubby$ October 12, 2007

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A way of referring to Myspace and/or Facebook simultaneously.

"Have you got Spaceface?"

"Yeah, I'm on both."


"I don't have cred to text back, so just Spaceface me about it."

by favouritethings May 24, 2007

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Spaceface Stalker

n. a person (usually female) that creates a Facebook/and or Myspace account, simply for the ability to stalk X-partners

Dude A, "That chick I dumped 2 weeks ago made a myspace account so she could see what I've been doing"

Dude B, "Spaceface Stalker's are bad news"

by DudeA March 23, 2009

185πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


The effect of abusing inhalants, especially Dust-Off brand duster canned air.

Dude, I've got to get my spaceface on tonight with that XL can of Dust-Off. Going to the moon!

by iamericanantifascist January 29, 2010