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Coined by Adam Carolla of Loveline. Combination of "spaz" and "loser". Spaz as in the geek who owns his own comic book store and Loser as in someone who waits outside a studio for an hour and a half for Tia Carrere to sign a copy of Playboy so he can sell it on eBay for $26.

That guy is such a sploser.

by MoonKnight December 5, 2002

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A common name used for people that are both spastic and a loser. Usually refered to people called Steff.

Person: So did you hear that Steff is really amazingly talented.
Other Person: Who's Steff?
Person: The sploser...
Other person: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

by Shakespeare, word creator August 5, 2010


Typically a person who has an unhealthy obsession with spongebob. This portmanteau combines spongebob and loser to let people know this person is not only a loser, but one who indulges in spongebob

Kiley is such a sploser man

by MeganMarklesLeftNut August 5, 2022