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Introduced into popular usage from the lyrics of "Supermassive Black Hole" - the first single by the British rock band Muse from their album, Black Holes And Revelations; 'supermassive' is an abbreviated form of Supermassive Black Hole.

'Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive'

The term 'Supermassive' is used by astronomers & physicists to distinguish Black Holes which have been caused supernova explosions. Supermassive Black Holes are recognised as the most destructive force in nature. Evidence is mounting that most, if not all, galaxies harbour supermassive black holes at their centers.

Supermassive describes something that is godlike; omnipotent; all powerful; amazing; inescapable; inevitable; beautiful; apocalyptic.

'...the superstars sucked into the supermassive.'

'Death is just another supermassive experience.'

'That performance was supermassive.'

'I'm supermassive'

by Clodius June 29, 2006

72👍 4👎


Introduced into popular usage from the lyrics of "Supermassive Black Hole" - the first single by the British rock band Muse from their album, Black Holes And Revelations; 'supermassive' is an abbreviated form of Supermassive Black Hole.

'Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive'

The term 'Supermassive' is used by astronomers & physicists to distinguish Black Holes which have been caused by supernova explosions. Supermassive Black Holes are recognised as the most destructive force in nature. Evidence is mounting that most, if not all, galaxies harbour supermassive black holes at their centers.

Supermassive describes something that is godlike; omnipotent; all powerful; amazing; inescapable; inevitable; beautiful; apocalyptic.

'...the superstars sucked into the supermassive.'

'Death is just another supermassive experience.'

'That performance was supermassive.'

'I'm supermassive'

by Clodius June 30, 2006

29👍 14👎


Bigger Than Massive! Word presumably made up by either Matthew Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholm or Dominic Howard from the band Muse.

Supermassive balck hole!!!

by GaZz June 19, 2006

11👍 28👎


the extent of mass in any object, much like massivity, but on a much larger scale

I went to see how my really old friend, Ashley, was doing these days, and I was hit by a shitstorm of supermassivity.

by milesofrain February 2, 2009

Supermassive blackhole

A very massive blackhole. A supermassive blackhole is larger than a mega-blackhole, but smaller than a hyper-supermassive, (ie. hypermassive) blackhole.

'Two mega-blackholes merged to form one so massive that it became a supermassive blackhole, but even that's nothing compared to the size of a hypermassive blackhole.'

(Please read my definition of a mega & hypermassive blackhole for more information).

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022