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Suria means the most beautiful or devine.

For example Suria can be compared to Aphrodite

by alicia o April 8, 2006

89👍 18👎


A woman who has family values and religiously practices the art of self-love. She's not the nicest person but she has the biggest heart to those who know her long enough. Her aura is beautiful because her energy is authentic. Her presence is nurturing and caring, which resembles a mother figure. She tries to justify that she's better off alone by cutting ties rather than compromising who she is and playing along with a false version of herself. She prioritizes her peace as well as her work ethic. She is ferociously protective of those she loves and doesn't mind ruining her plans and going outside her comfort zone for them. She is loved and adored by anyone who knows her. Suria's usually have fair bodies and prominent pitch-black hair. If you meet a Suria, hold her close because she's a keeper.

Person 1: what a vibrant and sexy woman! who is she?
Person 2: her name is Suria

by doorisflooris_ November 23, 2021

4👍 1👎