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The sound, similar to a sigh, that a person makes after taking a sip of a drink.

Cassandra: *sips water* “Aaaaaah
Rachel: “Do you have to susp after every sip?”

by cjfv.x February 2, 2019

30👍 9👎


The phrase used to describe something suspicious. Not to be confused with the term Sus.

Johns tryna smash a gurl named Bethanie, wait isn't that the name of your gurl Chad?
Hmmmmm that's pretty Susp

by AssburnXD March 2, 2019

17👍 9👎


A shortened form for suspect. The word is used to describe ones suspicious or malicious activity. The term was officially coined in the University of Western Ontario.

Yo miss me with that gay shit, thats susp.

by ohfucksuhdude September 25, 2017

4👍 6👎