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The same thing as "Sweet"

just a ghetto sweedish accent

That computer looks sveet

by mvpdude May 23, 2007

23👍 7👎


The origin of this word stems from the 2006 Deutsche Sommerschule am Atlantik (DSSA) program, during which two mechanical engineering students enrolled in the DSSA program's Phonetiks course, (Zack and John) replaced the common phrase "sweet" (In the sense of something being better than average or inciting excitement / a better sense of being) with a crude equivalent. The German "w" is pronounced in the same manner as an American "v", hence the strapping pair of young lads pronounced the word as "Sveet". The rest is history.

Zack: "Oh we have no Tagebuch to write today? SVEET."

by chesto rockwello August 29, 2006

6👍 6👎


One of many words in which one replaces Sw with Sv.

instead of Sweet its Sveet, instead of Switzerland it would be Svitzerland,

by Elora's Boyfriend May 23, 2005

31👍 12👎


It is a ghetto version of sweet
It means someone is weird and ugly.

You look sveet
Ew your sveet

by ClownVicious6 March 1, 2016

1👍 4👎

fucking sveet

the "new-age" version of the commonly used word "sweet" with a slight german touch on the "v". Probably thought of in the ghetto of eastern Berlin.

Shit, man! This schnitzel is fucking sveet!!!

yo dawg, your german engineered V-W is fucking sveet!

by Adolfo Von Svingerberger (a.k.a. the garlic) July 14, 2006

4👍 9👎