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Two men, in the crab position, getting it on. Much like two women scissoring.

Those two gentlemen were swording on the dance floor.

by Getsomewhiteshirt November 25, 2018


The use of a sword

I'm going swording later

by Dappy15 February 14, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


When anyone uses swear words in conversation, that person can said to be swording

Guy 1 : Man, you look so stressed out today
Guy 2 : Yeah dude, my boss is the culprit, he was swording all day long on everyone

by bulbasaur31 April 30, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

no sword

When a man loses his 'manhood'. The term sword is an innuendo for the male penis.

Abi - Haha you suck at Swords Ben.
AJ - Well it's because he has a broken sword!
Abi - It must suck having to live life with a broken sword.
Ben - I would rather have no sword then a broken sword.

by Alijohn April 20, 2008


To have a long, sharp object penetrate you to deadly effect. Especially by a pixellated knight on a certain one-armed dragon.

Also see arrowed

"Stupid friggin' knights!"

by KHD September 25, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Sword

A ridiculous good heavy metal band formed in 2003 hailing from Austin Texas. They remind me of why I love metal in the first place. Their sound is a throwback to old school metal acts like Black Sabbath. While not the most technical band out there(there riffs kick ass though), but god damn are their songs catchy. Everyone of their songs are equally as amazing, and none of them feel like filler at all. Their lyrics mostly center on Norse and other mythological stories.

No overly wanky guitar solos, no constant double bass, no stupid cookie monster growling vocals. Just pure, raw, old-school heavy metal. The Sword is what metal is all about and are the best modern metal band within a decade.

Current albums:
Age of Winters - 2006
Gods of the Earth - 2008

All their songs are available on their myspace or youtube pages, so just type in The Sword to hear them all.(I'm not allowed to post links).

I will never forgive myself for missing them at the Metallica concert back in January

The Sword kicks your fucking ass.

by I hope Skrillex dies July 11, 2009

99๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Don't fuckin' touch swords!

Swords'll cut your fuckin' hands off!

by Douglas Young September 23, 2007

169๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž