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The love of my life. the person who swept me away yet i still dont have the guts to ask he out...

me;hello Taiya
her;hey Riley
me; cheesy joke

her; awkward

by pharmaceutical June 5, 2011

546πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


One of the most amazing bestfriends a girl can ask for. She's always there and has the best sense of humor.

She keeps the best inside jokes and makes sure her friends don't pass out anywhere stupid.

Everyone needs to get there friends a Taiya.

Kayla: Who's your bestfriend?
Megan: Taiya.

Kayla: Awwee, I need a taiya.

Megan: Go get your own!

by omgitsmegan January 4, 2011

115πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


taiya is the prettiest person you will ever meet she is stunning athletic and smart she is hard to get but when she likes u back boy are you in for a real treat she will treat you right and love you as long as you love her

(boy) will you go out with me

(Taiya) of course but why exactly do you like me in the first place

(Boy) well you are pretty, funny , and athletic I just love everything about you

by Taiya brett November 5, 2016

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Taiya is a kind hearted beautiful girl. She is always there for you when you need her and always gives the best advice. She has an amazing body and always has confidence. People often think of her of being popluar and perfect but inside she is the wierdest person ever. She is an introvert and often has tough times finding someone to love, but once you get her don’t let her go.

random guy: β€œhey, how’re you wanna hang later”

taiya: β€œhey, for sure you want to talk about anything in particular?”

by marydane67 April 28, 2018

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A girl with many amazing qualities, such as being kind, caring, intelligent, honest, and generally just a fun person to be around. However, her insecurities and past trauma hinders her from creating truly meaningful connections with others.

Person1: β€œwho’s the outgoing girl over there?”
Person2: β€œoh that’s Taiya.”

by The villain with no name March 28, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Taiya

When a woman gets fisted with a handful of fresh shit by a guy over the age of 75, the guy then releases the load in her vagina and proceeds to lick it out of her. Once it is done, the woman comes out as a lesbian.

Oh I heard John pulled a β€˜dirty Taiya’ on Lindsey last night, pure madness

by Wackopaki April 24, 2020

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

taiya cooke

the fittest person to ever live

taiya cooke is the fittest girl in the entire existence

by luke.sim0 December 1, 2022