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Getting extremely angry at someone or something, resembling a great storm.

Danny: Niccy went tempestuous on me yesterday...
Chris: Shit man what happenned?
Danny: I was just making a joke and then she started getting all tempestuous on me, I thought I was going to die.
Chris: What did she do?
Danny: Well her arms were flailing around and i almost got knocked out.

by Please dont take offence February 11, 2012

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


of, relating to, or resembling a tempest

Sam and Rachel have always had a tempestuous relationshipβ€”one minute fast friends, the next snarling and at each other's throats.

by Your Grim Reaper June 25, 2003

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


something you would think is incredibly random, but yet AMAZINGLY COOL at the same time, its the good kind of weird & different

wow, the purple banana is sure tempestuous!!!

by babybreath June 21, 2008

9πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž