Source Code

Ten Dollars

That one girl who you have a crush on but decide to ghost for no reason, so she dates a lumberjack named Shamu to get back at you.

"Damn it only cost Ten Dollars to buy a whale at SeaWorld."

Eena1: "I heard that mustapha guy lost a bet."
Eena2: "How much did he lose"
Eena1: "Ten Dollars."

by ~~KEANU~~ January 18, 2019

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ten-dollar word

Using large, difficult words that most people will not understand. Makes you look like an elitist prick that wants to flaunt your advanced intelligence or vocabulary.

"So I told the rather rubicund fellow that I would not forbear his facetious predilection, and that I would extirpate him if he persisted. However I refrained from the notion because I desiderated copulation with his girlfriend."

Said without ten-dollar words:

"So I told the red-faced bastard that I wasn't gonna put up with his sarcastic attitude, and I was gonna kill 'em if he didn't stop. But I decided not to 'cuz I wanted to bang his girlfriend.

by jumpinthefire October 14, 2007

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Ten Dollar Admission

A term used to describe a party or activity where guests are encouraged to arrive under the influence of LSD. A tab of LSD will often cost around ten dollars, hence the name.

When it is a requirement, security will sometimes check guests' tongues before allowing them in and charge a cover if they do not see a tab.

Guest: "Yo, man, whats the details for Saturday?"

Host: "BYOB, girls get free drinks, BP, no cover, ten dollar admission, starts at 8"

by davidblue November 11, 2013

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ten dollar punch

Punching someone with a roll of quarters in your fist.

That bum asked me for a quarter, so I gave him a ten dollar punch.

by pintslayer December 18, 2010

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ten dollar booger

a booger with cocaine residue

That's a ten dollar booger!

by Miss Jazz April 30, 2007

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Ten Dollar Cigarette

When the tobacco from a cigarette is removed, and is replaced with marijuana. The filter is left on leaving it looking like a regular cigarette. The amount of weed in the cigarette is worth about 10 dollars, which is where it gets the name.

Yo nigga, wanna buy a ten dollar cigarette?

by AJIRoNMaN May 16, 2006

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and then I found ten dollars!

A tag line to add to the end of boring, stupid, or otherwise crappy stories. Amount of money should fluctuate proportional to the level of crappiness

...so the whole time we had been standing in the band room, and I kept thinking, "Wow, I really love band", uhh... and then, I found TEN dollars!!!

by stevie September 19, 2003

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