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Scottish Alcoholic Beer

This pint of Tennents is pish

by Shizer August 25, 2003

41๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Possibly the worst type of lager beer I have ever tasted, yet due to the poor wages offered in Scotland, a drink that I was forced to drink. (Im not going as far as Buck's Fizz....) Tastes a little like Australian lagers, (Tooheys New and XXXX etc), but one gets the sense that they are taking the water for the brewing process directly from the Firth of Forth. Leaves a grainy taste in your mouth, and a large headache in the morning.

Scotland- the lucky country. Shit food, shit beer and shit wages.

by Akka April 21, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Tennent's Challenge

The challenge consists of having to drink four cans of Super Tennent's Lager in 4 minutes or under.

A right of passage for the young and practiced mainly with the under class.

The best way to get wrecked for under ยฃ6 - an opinion held by many!

mate, i've got a ten sheet, couple quid in my penny box time for The Tennent's Challenge?

by DforR March 27, 2013

William Tennent High School

A wild school thatโ€™s filled with thots who think that theyโ€™re all that when irl they re just some side hoe and fuckboys who think that just because they throw up gang signs in pictures that theyโ€™re tough shit. The school is lowkey the worst thing on earth.

โ€œWilliam Tennent High School is terribleโ€

by Chlorine xoxo October 31, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

William Tennent High School

Located in Warminster, Pennsylvania, it is the public high school for the children of Warminster, Ivyland, and Southampton. Known to most as "Tennent", the school is attended by mostly tools and wannabe sluts.

Tennent is home to the William Tennent Panthers. Although most of the school's teams aren't very successful, the students and family show love and support at every event.

Nicknames: Tennent and White Trash High School (By those of other school districs).

"You goin' to Tennent (William Tennent High School) tonight for the game? Everyone's gonna be there!"

by Dr. Devitt October 24, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

William Tennent High School

William Tennent, mostly known as Tennent, is 80% pot heads. Almost ever person you look at is either high or intoxicated in some way. There is so many fuck boys it's actually crazy. In the cafeteria bathrooms, girl pass around their nics (vapes) and carts (weed pens) and is probably the same in the mens bathroom. Execpt someone broke the pipeline in the boys bathroom.

William Tennent High School honestly changes you.

by Hawkh8syou February 18, 2022

William Tennent High School

william tennent high school is just whores fuckboys and peopls throwing gangs signs thinking they cool and all the bathroom are just people vaping doing weed teached absolutely suck ass principles are terrible at their job dont go this school

Hey you go to William tennent high school
Feel bad for you

by Parvati April 26, 2023