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test failed

When you drop and 8-ball, run out of ink, touch enemy ink, break the orb, break a fail balloon, run out of time oh my fucking god, and like 10 other creative ways for C.Q Cumber to kill you

You ran out of ink, test failed

by iddunno March 22, 2021

Sobriety Test Fear-Fail

The surreal anticipatory period of uncertainty and apprehension during which the real-time performance of a road-side sobriety test hangs in the balance between spectacular, unbelievable success and crushing, hopeless defeat.

Just look at her; she's tryin' her BEST to walk heel-to-toe, watch-the-movin' cop finger, cartwheel, back-flip and hand-stand. Right now she's in Sobriety Test Fear-Fail...better call in the lawyers anyway...

by YAWA March 17, 2019

30👍 4👎

test failed

The last words you will ever hear if you're just an octoling test subject and drop an 8 ball into sweet nothingness

*drops 8 ball*
C.Q Cumber: "Test Failed, you let the 8-Ball fall."

by koiyune June 7, 2024