Source Code

The Nick

Sending a dick pic to your mom. Then calling your brother to have him delete it.

Bro1: Dude I just did the Nick.

Bro2: You sent your mom a dick pic?
Bro1: I then called my brother and told him Iโ€™d pay home to delete it off her phone.

Bro2: Wow did he do it?
Bro1: Ya, then I told him I wasnโ€™t going to pay him and hung up.

by afrodan July 15, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Nick

The Nick is beyond description, which is why this definition is just an attempt to show how you should feel about him.

If you've wondered what could make your life a tad special these days, there are a lot of possibilities.

Some people surf in the water with a shark and come out alive (reassuring).
Others do crazy hikes they will never forget (a wee bit dangerous).
Others will meet a Nick.

(Or do all three of the mentioned above)

This Nick will make your life special.

He will be the person that waits for you, not knowing if there is even a chance you could be together at all. He will try to be there for you, even though you two aren't in the same place. He will not listen to people who say it's insane to hold onto something so unrealistic and his hope will turn into optimism.

At this point you should have noticed that there is a Nick in your life and that this is something to be grateful for.

If you do your part and don't give up you'll discover that all the waiting will result in you being the happiest version of yourself.

You will already notice that you've liked him a little more every day that he has been waiting for you.

And then when you'll meet him after all this time, you don't ever want to be without him anymore.

I have the Nick in my life.
Nick, I love you.

by Justatadcute:)) October 6, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Nick

Caprisun and vodka mixed. When you want an adult drink but can't handle any more alchohol. Order "The Nick"

I'm drunk but want to keep drinking, fix me The Nick

by Jumper82afar September 22, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Nick

When someone has no real comeback so they just reply with "Shut up nobody likes you!"

kid 1: I am a better sniper than you In Call Of Duty
kid 2: No! I have 9 kills with a scope this game
kid 1: But i have better overall skill
kid 2: Shut up nobody likes you!

The nick is a classic move

by JustDyna April 1, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A somewhat cleaned-up term meaning to make love. Said by Eric Matthews (played by Will Friedle) during a brazen and impromptu marriage proposal to his brother Cory's fiance Topanga Lawrence (played by Danielle Fishel) in front of friends and family in the "Boy Meets World" episode "They're Killing Us".

Topanga, marry me and let's make nick-nick.

by tmanokc July 12, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

In the nick

Naked, nude, bare, unclothed, in the raw, starkers, in your birthday suit, etc

Do you sleep in the nick?

by something unique February 18, 2017


To rob or steal something or to be arrested by the metropolitan police force

" I got nicked last night for robbin 6 offy's in a mad offy grab frenzy "

by John Gaskell October 4, 2005

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