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The Cool Kids

The most dope ass hip hop duo ever! It consists of Mikey Rocks who is from Chicago and Chuck Inglish who is from Detroit. They Dress like fucking ballers and are the shit. Their first big song, Black Mags, is a song about there bike that was first featured on a Rhapsody commercial. It is amazing.

"The Cool Kids are the shit!"
"Yeah dude I would hit that if I was a woman"

by Chippermonkey January 20, 2008

329๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

cool kid

That twat everyone wanted to murder in school due to his/her massively inflated ego, self-obsessiveness and downright sadism. Generally the bully, and often has repressed issues of their own, they are driven insane by the voices in their head telling them to be a conformist, and so drive everyone around them insane by doing the same thing, and yet ironically promotes himself/herself under the nebulous moniker of a "rebel". Murderer of self-worth, dignity, individualism and everything a modern society professes to stand for, yet promoted in the media and society in general as a great role model. Generally fails in life due to thinking they were too "cool" to get a job, or a house, or a source of income, and more often than not forced by terrible circumstances to work for the very nerds they were bullying. Listens to mediocre and downright bad pop music, and, assuming the pop to stand for popular, not populist, he/she forces his/her (lack of) taste onto other people. An all-round arrogant, sadistic tosser that should never have been let out of the asylum.

I don't need an example; you all know who I'm talking about. Make a stand, people; together, you can destroy pop culture, and be done with the cool kids forever!

by Trollbeast August 10, 2012

548๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cool kid

A kid who thinks they are cool!

-cool kid

by that little reggid March 12, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cool kid

The kid/kids that everyone meets in high school that have nothing better to do than flex in the mirror, fake their depression, very badly lip sync songs, play rust, get tattoos in some Asian countries, vape, cheat on their girlfriend (multiple times), flirt with everything that moves or breaths (Girls only) and most importantly look like lesbians

Oooooh loook at that cool kid

by Cono12 December 18, 2018

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

cool kids

Selome. Wherever Selome is at, that's where the cool kids are at.

Selome is studying at Newman, so that's where all the cool kids are at.

by DylanSchiff May 10, 2010

176๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cool Kid

When a someone under 18 is as cool as a cucumber and wears snazzy sunglasses

Person A: Omg who is THAT?
Person B: Omg it's the Cool Kid
Person A: Love those sunglasses

by Drawer gang November 7, 2018

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cool Kid

Keeps his head under pressure... He is confident and walks with swag. He owns it when he does it and makes it look easy. Looks good when he does it and everybody wants to be him. Yet he is the first to help the underdog.

Check it out that cool kid let Wilbur use his wakeboard after he just shredded the wake.

by Shanranae February 27, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž