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The Rocker

Inserting one's middle finger and ring finger into the female canal known as the vagina. When performed properly, the remaining fingers make up the ever so popular "Ozzy" or "Rock" hand sign.

Josie and Franklin began their typical foreplay, but Franklin popped in his favorite 80's rock mix. As soon as he heart Crazy Train, he stuffed Josie with The Rocker, what a lucky broad.

by Stevie Y July 21, 2005

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The Rocker

Similar to the shocker, but for men. The middle and index finger are inserted into the mans anus, pleasuring the prostate, while the thumb is wrapped around the balls, separating the testicles slightly. A back and forth "rocking" motion completes this action.

"That chick was down for anything! She even gave me the rocker!"

by Kthatsme December 10, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Rocker

Similar to The Shocker, this hand-based sexual act uses the extended index and pinky fingers, while the ring and middle fingers are curled down/held in by the thumb, making the popular "rock and roll" hand gesture, used at concerts. The index finger is then inserted into the vagina, while the pinky is inserted into the womans anus.

Before giving her the Shocker, I warmed her up with the Rocker... next, it's on to the Spocker!

by GoodyQ December 19, 2010

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The Rocker

The Rocker, (a popular sex position) is the meeble act of cutting the gap between your female partners asshole and pussy (with a scissors or blade) and using the gap as one long hole making cowgirl/reverse cowgirl in a rocking form.

she needed 87 stiches after her and her boyfriend tried the rocker last night...

by KnoboDy November 26, 2007

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someone who just loves rock n' roll. listens to every and all types of it and appreciates every bit of it. doesn't really discriminate any genre of it or any particular album. just loves the sound of a guitar and drumsticks hitting the snare head. a type of true musician that the world needs more of.

I'm a rocker. Not emo. Not goth. Not punk. Not a poser. I just love rock n' roll in any way shape or form, and I wish there were more people who look at rock n' roll the way I do.

by acoustaking October 28, 2008

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a person who listens to any type of rock music. typically associated with goth, punk, and other subcultures. rockers have existed in many forms throughout the years and have often found themselves at odds with "rappers," as the musical interests clash. however, this is not true for all rockers, as some listen to rap as well as rock. currently, many rockers have been subjected to the accusation of being a "poser," because it is believed by many that a rocker only listens to one type of rock (ie. a punk might call a metalhead a poser). this is not true for all. rocker is general term, which can be confusing for some who try to understand the fine line between a rocker and a poser. Persecution of your own kind is a common affair with these people. You can find ten to twenty different rockers who have virtually nothing in common; conversely, you may find many rocker cliques in an area.

I am a rocker yet I find it unnecessary to hang with other rockers, and am insulted when people assume that I do.

by jenny January 25, 2004

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Before i get started, Rocker is not a label, its a just... a way of life!
The term Rocker applies to any person who genuinely likes listening to any type of rock music over other types of music, but not ruling out other music styles. There are many types of of Rockers such as Goths, Emos, Indies, Moshers, Punks, Metalheads and Hippies to name a few, it is not uncommon for the different types to argue amongst each other yet there can be also great friendships between different types. A person who has no affiliation must not be confused and take in that a certian group of rockers are infact posers or wanabees for this is an insult or term to call one fake or shallow and not being themselvs. Most Rockers are generally at odds with groups such as Chavs, Jocks and scallies because those groups are generally dickheads, wankers and/or scumbags!!!

Here are a few sterotypical pastimes of each type of Rocker (which are not true) -

Goths - Eating disorder, self harming, making sacrifices to Satan, Attention seeking

Emos - Faking depression, crying over nothing, trying to fit on those tight black jeans without ripping a hole in the croch area... and failing!

Indies - Critising other peoples tastes in anyting, worring about labels, being a snob

Metalheads - Playing Ozzy Osbourne and Children of Bodom at full volume out of a 140wt guitar amp at 1am, being the most egoistacal bastards ever, have atleast 8 plectrums with them at all times

by Daniel Mercer August 17, 2005

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