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The Thought That Counts

"The Thought That Counts" is the idea behind positive thinking, if your not thinking positively maybe you shouldn't be thinking at all. Far more than the idea that you need an excuse that your lame gift is enough "The Thought That Counts" is the mind set behind Manifesting your dreams. Self Health Maryland is promoting P.M.A. Positive Mental Attitude as "The Thought That Counts". Through the Education of Mindful Meditation, Sound Therapy, and Common Sense We are Questing for Positive Peopling to become a norm. Don't get lost finding us, Join The Self Health Club today and begin your journey to better living. Raising Grace Research is hopefully encouraging people to make the decision to get through or work harder on the things that make a difference like family connection, world service and healthy lifestyles. Join there Positive Messaging Association and start Putting the Good Word on the street today!

I was always feeling down about myself and life, until I realize using my positive mental attitude was the real "thought that counts" and now I have been Better and Better at every day living.
I was walking into the nursing home to see mom, and realized I had left the flowers home. It was then I realized "The Thought That Counts" is positively that I'm here and not That I forgot the flowers.

by Raising Grace July 15, 2022

its the thought that counts

What you say when you get a gift you don't really like but don't want to hurt the other persons feelings.

Jack - Jill, I got you a gift! *gives said gift*
Jill- Aw how sweet, it’s the thought that count's though

(She doesn't like it, you can tell because she said “its the thought that counts”)

by Boiga6 July 23, 2022

it's the thought that counts

used to indicate that it is the kindness behind an act that matters, however imperfect or insignificant the act may be.

"when people give you things that you don't want, you must remember that it's the thought that counts"

by Arminkshipper August 8, 2024